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September Photo Hunt Challenge

I realized today was September 1st, which means I have to get my August 2010 Photo Scavenger Hunt photos up! It would be a shame to miss that whole deadline thing, since I took the trouble to sign up for the hunt and all. Here are my entries:

1. A flag that represents you

I like the free movement in the wind and how that reinforces our flag's symbolism

2. Something Comfortable

snuggling under our favorite fuzzy blanket holding hands.

3. Something in season

it's been so hot and muggy this past month that these were more "in season" than anything else!

4. Feet

helping bug down the slide. He was terrified. It was all I could do to make him sit still on my lap for this photo, then he screamed all the way down and once he hit the ground he said, "Again?!?"

5. Repetition

you saw this one earlier this week for Ashley Sisk's hunt. Not only is that book repetitious, but the hearing bug ask me to read it, over and over and over is as well.

6. Culture or ethnicity

mr's beer stein. He lived in Germany for two years and I love to hear him speak German. His ancestry is German as well. Just so you know, this stein is never used, it just sits and looks pretty up on top of our cupboards.

7. Contrast

I shared this last week for Ashley Sisk's hunt for a different category. I LOVE the contrast in this shot, and I also love the contrast between how these two normally act and how they are acting in the photo. :)

8. An indulgence

these are supposed to be bug's "potty treats", but I indulge every once in a while...

9. Macro or closeup

I can't get enough of those eyes... or that smile!

10. Something masculine

Shared this one in a previous hunt this month for the same theme. bug sure wants to be like his daddy.

11. Something feminine

Also shared this one in that same hunt for this theme.

12. Light

the sun makes bug's hair look like it's glowing!

13. Eco-friendly

meh. mediocre, but this is kind of our extent of eco-friendly.

14. Business

mr. looking business-y

15. An arrow

Bah, I had trouble with this one... none of the signs with arrows on them "spoke" to me. This one was the best I got.

16. Something wet

I wanted a super close up of the water droplets, but we all know my point and shoot won't do that.

17. Something dry

lots of humidity = lots of thunderstorms. bug and I like playing in the rain, but sometimes it's fun to just sit and watch it too. He seems so contemplative here...

18. Butterflies

Used this one earlier this week for thepunkrockmom's perspective theme.

19. Heart shaped Clouds

heart shaped what??? Seriously??? Do you know how hard it is to find a heart shaped cloud? I don't remember EVER seeing one of these, so I'm lucky I got something that even remotely resembles a heart.

20. Strength

he's been able to hang from the monkey bars since he was 6 months old... he loves this "ride" at the park.

And there you have it. My entry for the August hunt. It's the first time I've done the month-long hunt, and it was fun! Kind of a lot of work at the end, though, as I scrambled to find things I was missing...

(head over to Photo Hunt Challenges to see more entries!)

(This post originally appeared on the blog “bugaboo, mini, mr & me.” It has been reposted here with minor revisions per author consent.)

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

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