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Photo Scavenger Hunt September

I can't help it, they're cute.  And I know I'm biased, but I just can't seem to find better subject matter for these fun photo challenges I've been encountering.  Today there're more than usual, because I've branched out a bit from my normal haunts.  You should totally jump over and link up your own photos.  Every challenge (except the photo scavenger hunt) ends on Tuesday, so you've got some time!

The photo scavenger hunt over at Ramblings and Photos was the most challenging I've attempted thus far.  I just drew creative blanks for most of the items.  Nonetheless, I made it through all five:


 bug getting a drink at the little zoo here in town.  He was sitting on the drinking fountain - it was pretty novel.


mr lookin' all spiffy in work attire.


don't think this needs explanation... except to let you know that it's one of my favorite hymns.  


At iheartfaces, the theme this week is photojournalistic.  I love this style of photography, and for some reason I still had a tough time deciding what photo to share.  I kept feeling like I was getting it all wrong.

 Their first time on a tire swing.  I could be wrong, but I'm guessing the overall feeling is NOT "impressed".

The trendy treehouse has a fun theme this week: Laugh.  I've got some silly little kiddos, so it wasn't too difficult to snap some laughing photos!

 "Daddy's so silly... he can always make me laugh!"

Lastly, I recently happened onto thepunkrockmom, who's got a fun challenge going on.  She's currently enrolled in online photography classes and has thrown down the gauntlet to all who care to participate.  We've got to follow along and do her homework with her! 

Our homework this week was "Perspective."  She offered multiple "themes" to help us along, and we could choose however many we wanted to approach.  So, here are mine:

Perspective - A tree branch from the ground up

"On the Fence"

Perspective - A person from close up

"Sunny Days"

Perspective - Person from the left


Perspective - Own unique point of view

"Taking a Break"

Phew!  I know there was a lot jammed in here, thanks for indulging me!  I'm an amateur, but I'm having fun!

(This post originally appeared on the blog “bugaboo, mini, mr & me.”  It has been reposted here with minor revisions per author consent.)


This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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