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October Photo Hunt Challenge

Here it is, the great October Photo Hunt! All of my pictures were taken during the month of October... and the best part about this month’s hunt? My hubby helped! Yep. It seems that through these photo posts I’ve been putting up, mr and I have discovered a common interest we didn’t really know existed (since neither of us have focused much on photography as a hobby). So he helped me decide on subjects for some and came with me on photo ops and was a willing participant when I needed someone to take a picture of. When I was done editing the photos, he let me know if he liked it and if I should tweak it. So if you don't like them, it's his fault. Just kidding.


In Disguise

Well, the secrets out, now! Batman and his loyal sidekick, Robin. They are obviously in disguise so you won't know their alter-egos.


You should have seen the crazy makeshift set-up in my kitchen to get this shot.

Fall Colors

I climbed a tree to get this.

A Jack-O'-Lantern

Well, I wish we'd gotten our pumpkins carved in time for these pictures. But it didn't happen. bug's candy bucket would have to do.

A Shot from the Ground

Lots of Native American history around these parts. This statue is pretty huge in real life.

A Landscape

Lake Michigan. Incredibly cool, crisp fall day.

A Fall Tradition

why, trick-or-treating, of course! My parents took me on hours long marathons when I was a kid and I imagine I will do the same as bug and mini get older. And not so cold. And not so tired. And not so whiny.


bug loves books. And I love that he loves them.


with all the eating we do around here, you'd think I'd have a decent shot of someone eating SOMETHING. But this is as good as it got.


he's such a good big brother!

Faces Formed in Nature

I actually didn't notice the face until AFTER I took this. It's a shame this guy has some lunch stuck in his teeth for the photo-op, but what ya gonna do?

Tilt-Shift Photography

First time ever attempting this. mr said it was so weird how this editing technique makes things look fake. I think it's a tiny bit creepy. But I LOVE it. I'm addicted.

Black and White with Selective Coloring

I swear I didn't enhance her eyes at all. You don't believe me do you? I swear. They're just that blue.


My attempt at being artsy. Did it work?

Best Photo Taken October 23rd

Tracks by our house.

Something from the Kitchen

mr's suggestion was to stab something with a knife and spread ketchup all over it. He's got Halloween on the brain.

Something Vintage

My Grandma's ring.

Something Creepy

Something Golden

Tried a texture technique. The photo under this is one I took on the 23rd at the train tracks of a pile of wooden beams.

A Self-Portrait

It's not all of me, but it's me. I wish I could say those were my amazing eyelashes. But they're falsies. This does illustrate my love for dressing up though. And my wrinkles. Eeek! I hadn't realized they were this bad...

(This post originally appeared on the blog “bugaboo, mini, mr & me.” It has been reposted here with minor revisions per author consent.)

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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