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Photo Scavenger Hunt - The one where it was still cold.

SOOC (Straight out of camera)


Do mushrooms "sprout"? Or do they just "grow"? I don't know the technical term, but I really wanted to use this picture in any case.

Isn't it Ironic?

Looks like Spring, doesn't it? Sunny, green, yummy homemade popsicles... isn't it ironic that it was NOT warm out? I needed some pictures for a project and we had to cut it short - we were cold.


Cloud watching... lazy spring pastime. Sun through the clouds... A whale... a heart...

Smells Like Spring

Tree lined street in UT. It DID smell like spring. I was taking a step away from my usual high contrast exposure. Can you tell where the cars were that I had to "erase"? I used the clone tool in picnik. LOVE that tool.

I managed to finish the "Let's Go Exploring with a Camera" prompt this week, too. You can check this out over at The Kateye View. This week, we worked on visual contrast - which is usually done with high contrast lighting. There are tons of other types of visual contrast, however, which I never considered. So, here are some of the contrast shots I came up with:


If you look in the background you can see the chain link fence behind all the foliage.


Also Large versus Small maybe?


Also, Smooth/Rough or Vegetable/Mineral.

(This post originally appeared on the blog “bugaboo, mini, mr & me.” It has been reposted here with minor revisions per author - AKA MY - consent.)

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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