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Eyeball Ring Valentines

We are always on the lookout for cool and clever Valentines to pass out in class. None of those generic insert popular movie here "be my valentine" type cardstock cards for us, no sir! Those are fine, actually, I've got nothing against them, I just actually really like helping my kids make valentines. And I love a good Valentines Day pun. I can't resist. Each year we try to make better ones than the last year.

Well, one year for Halloween, we got the kids these eyeball rings from the dollar store and they LOVED them. Thought they were the bomb. And it got me thinking about the "only have eyes for you..." saying. Which is PERFECT for Valentine's Day, amiright? Unfortunately, when I went back to the dollar store in January, they did not (of course) have the rings.

FORTUNATELY, for everyone involved, including you, we found them completely by accident at Target in the party favors section! Yea!

So you can still make these if you want. Just make some cards on your favorite word processor, or picmonaey, or photoshop or whatever. Print them out on cardstock. Punch two little holes directly vertical to each other in the middle, poke some twine through the holes and tie your ring on with a bow in front!

Super cute! They come in lots of different colors, not just your typical Valentine's Day colors, which I'm sure some of the kids will really appreciate!

Voila! Classroom valentines they'll love! You're welcome.

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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