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Back to School Shoot - 2014

It's back to school time again! This is the first back to school shoot with three kids! Although I know that Axel technically isn't commemorating a back to school event this year, I did manage to include him in a few shots, just to make sure I had some nice sibling photos... not that he wanted to be included. In fact, just the opposite.

It's actually getting harder and harder to take photos of these kids. They are wild, opinionated little things. And the last thing they want to do is take a half hour out of their day for this nonsense.

I've told them they simply have no choice. I like to see how they've grown, and the best way is by comparison.

It's bittersweet to see the changes. Bittersweet to watch the pudgy cheeks thin, the features become more pronounced and refined, the hands less dimpled...

I have to hold myself back from getting lost in nostalgia, and plant myself firmly in the resolution to simply love each stage as it comes.

Even the gross fart jokes.

Besides. I still have this one:

And he'll be a cute pudgy thing for a while yet.

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