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Fake Mustache Valentines

My son sometimes has a hard time agreeing to valentines. He's picky? fussy? He's got refined taste when it comes to the cards he passes out. They must be truly funny. And they cannot in any way imply that he actually wants anyone for his Valentine at any time.

Some years we go back and forth about what to do - we like to make our own, but he's pretty sure they need to include some awesome gift for the receiver, and not just an empty card. This year, he is beyond excited to hand his Valentines out, and that make me pretty excited too!

This year, we got fake mustaches (the adhesive kind) at the dollar store. You need those, a card printed on cardstock, and some double sided tape.

Then you take your mustaches out, put some double sided tape on the back and stick them down on the cardstock card.

Bam. You're done.

So easy you can make a whole pile of like 30.

And they are hilarious (according to my 7 year old)! Win win!

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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