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Back to School Shoot - 2016

I feel like a broken record whenever I post our back to school shoot for the year.

Every year I'm amazed at how much they've grown.

Every year I lament that they aren't my littles anymore... (well, some of them...)

This year was an interesting year for photos - the first time with four! I had a toddler and a baby to try to corral, so that made for some fun times. (Both fun and frustrating, but you know, that's how it goes...)

It's a well known fact that when one is looking at the camera, another isn't, and one is probably making weird faces anyway...

Or poking each other. Or just generally annoying each other. As per normal. Real life, everyone.

Also, mr. has a theory that for every 1,000 photos you take, there are only 2 usable ones.

So actually, I think we did pretty well.

This kid looks like he's ready for his senior pics. When did he get so OLD???

And the chubby little dimply-ness has long ago left this girl...

Even pip looks so grown up to me.

I hate it when the newborn stage fades (I think it goes by much too quickly), but at least this little one is still stationary.

I think I captured the sunset hour quite well in our shoot this year. All in all, I'm really happy with how it went plus one kid, considering how harried and disgruntled things were last time.

I wonder how I'll feel next year when I have three going off to "school" instead of just two!

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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