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Sylvie's 1 Year Shoot

It's super hard to believe that Squish is already a year old. I have no idea where the time went, but she definitely isn't a teeny itty bitty babe anymore.

I wasn't even thinking about 1 year photos around her birthday... probably because it was Christmas and there were about a million other things to think about. Not the least of which is "when a child has a birthday on Christmas, do celebrate their birthday ON CHRISTMAS? Or give them a day to themselves???"

Who knows. Anyway, it was into January before I considered it, and holy cow was it a cold one. I could have snapped some in the makeshift studio of my dining room, but I wasn't blown away with the idea.

So we skipped it. Then February came. And some milder temps. And I realized I'd never shot outside in the winter before, so maybe it could be really pretty? I waited for a day when it wasn't frigid and windy, and we set out to take some 1 year and 2 month photos. Couldn't resist the Valentine's day theme, since it's just about here.

I quickly realized it was colder than I'd originally thought, so there aren't as many photos as normal here, though probably more than the average person posts in one shot...

She did so well through most of it, but by the end she was just so done.

That pacifier is with her everywhere... it's pretty much a permanent fixture.

Vee finally got two cute little teeth. She's moving along, though not walking yet. She's standing and jabbering away and holy cow is she doted on.

I'm afraid we may have a "baby of the family syndrome" starting...

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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