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Back to School Shoot - 2017

It's that time again! Another back to school photo shoot! This time I had four very mobile kids running around and I enlisted the help of my husband.

He was in charge of keeping kids happy when they weren't the subject matter, and making kids look in my direction when all four were the subject matter. I think in groups of people it may be key to have an assistant!

It sure is hard to remember all the poses and spots I want to try to capture when I'm in the moment. You'd think I'd have it down to a science after doing it for 6 years now (holy cow, 6 years now!) but for some reason I always think of things I ought to have done, if only for comparison's sake from one year to the next.

I think I got the important ones though! Is it weird that I look forward to the photos by the post every year?

I love seeing how tall they are comparatively! Ezra started out about 4 inches shorter than the post and now look at that kid. And Axel! He's huge now! And Sylvie doesn't have to sit by the post anymore!

Can't say that Squish is much for following directions, but she did pretty well.

This year was a little sad. The bridge by the lighthouse broke during the winter with the ice shoves. It hasn't been fixed and I don't know when or if it will be. So the bridge and the lighthouse are off limits. Maybe next year.

I was really happy with the shots I did manage to get. I tried a few new things with them, and with my editing as well. I think the editing I do changes a lot depending on the time of the shoot - season, time of day, etc. - or perhaps I'm feeling moody? In any case these photos seem a bit more like fall to me.

So we're starting another year! Axel starts 3K this year, so it's sort of school, but not really school... and I wonder how I'll be feeling when I do this shoot next year and he really is in 4K - the exact age Ezra (my oldest) was when I started this tradition. We shall see!

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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