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One of my friends is running for school board this year! I'm excited for her because she's so passionate about education legislation and I know this position would be the perfect fit. She asked if I'd take some headshots for her campaign and website, so of course I agreed! I've never done headshots before and they're sort of a different beast. It's especially difficult getting the lighting right when I don't have specific soft boxes or anything for my camera. Maybe someday I'll have a whole set up like that.

But right now I had to make do with what natural light we had. The shadows were challenging. She was great to take photos of, though. Very relaxed and laid back and took my limited direction and went with it. We only needed a few shots and I think she got one in particular that's pretty perfect.

I think with headshots the less editing you do the better. So I left them almost alone, but I did do some post process because... well, couldn't resist?

I also think it's pretty obvious that the most successful poses are the ones that are turned slightly, not straight on and looking slightly down. Which was hard because she's tall and I'm short and I really should have gotten a stool out.

This one's my favorite:

More practice with headshots would be fun. Outdoors when it gets warmer would be nice too.

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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