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The Only Time I've Ever Cooked Couscous.

It may surprise you to know that I'm not really a health food junkie. Hahahaha! No, I couldn't even joke that with a straight face. I mean, you've seen the sweets and treats page, right? But really, we are trying to be a little more conscious of what we eat around here. And I may not have told you this, but I started going to the gym. No, for real. Yes, it's me. No, I have not been bodysnatched. I just started thinking it might be cool to feel good.

Anyway, I digress. The point is, I'm not super familiar with couscous. Are you? Maybe you eat couscous all the time and think I'm crazy. But honestly, it's not something I'm really COMFORTABLE making. Like, I can whip together something sort of mexican-y or italian-y or what have you pretty much off the top of my head without recipe or pinterest help. But couscous? I mean, where does that even fit in?

I don't know. But I saw this recipe and really wanted to try it, despite my reticence toward couscous. I altered it - just a smidge.

And I liked it. So did Justin. I think it was the vinegar. And the feta. In any case, I think I would actually make it again! And really there's nothing to it - like most salads it's a toss all this together sort of situation. It's really meant to be a side, I know. Just like a salad to be a side attraction. But to be perfectly honest we ate it for the main dish and we didn't feel like we were missing anything. I think it makes a nice light alternative on a Summer night.

So there you go. I'm apparently a couscous expert now.

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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