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Axel's 1 Year Photos (and a cake smash)

Pip is 1! It's funny to watch these tiny babies get bigger without you realizing they're growing. Then you see photos and they're like an actual little person, not just a squeezable little lovey newborn...

I think it's especially funny how long and skinny this string bean looks. My other kiddos were sort of chubby - though none of them had rolls - until they started running around like monsters. Axel isn't quite walking yet, but he does get around!

He's got the cutest little personality, which I was hoping to catch with these pics, but I'm afraid that fell a bit flat.

When we went over to the point, he just wasn't in the mood. I was determined to get a few good snaps in, so I persevered, but I think the biggest thing I need to learn is when to call it.

This kid isn't a grump, but he sure seems like it in these photos. We couldn't get him to smile for anything and I probably should have just quit and gone a different day, but I'm stubborn.

At the end, right before we left, I finally caught one, true, genuine smile, so I was pretty happy about that.

And just for fun, here's a couple shots from the cake smash, because who can resist chocolate cake?

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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