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More From The Robot Costume.

I fully intended but neglected to give a how-to for the robot shoes mentioned in the first tutorial for the robot costume. Remember this?

"Middle picture: These pieces are for "robot shoes". Two rectangles with a small curve for the ankle, 4 skinny rectangles for the sides of the shoes, 4 small rectangles for the fronts and backs." You can see the shoes here:

and here:

Here are the measurements I provided in part 1: (Ignore the top and bottom pictures as we've already covered that)

FOR 4-6 USE A SHOE to measure, NOT A FOOT. These are made to wear OVER SHOES. Piece 4. G - from left side of shoe to right side - straight, not curved. Add a half inch. H - from heel to toe. Add a half inch. For the curve - center it and cut enough for ankle to comfortably fit through. Piece 5. I - from top of shoe to bottom of sole. Add 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch. J - from heel to toe. Add a half inch. Piece 6. K - from top of heel to bottom of sole. Add 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch. (should be the same as I) L - from left side of shoe to right side - as with G above - then Add AN INCH. Remember to use a shoe for your measurements as these will be slipcovers for your kid's normal tennis shoes. I don't have a photo tutorial for this, but it works basically like this graphic I created:

1. Take your back piece (piece 6 above) and cut it in half the short way. 2. Sew the piece you just cut and the other piece 6 (the front) to the top piece, or piece 4 above. Sew the cut piece 6 to the edge with the curve cut out of it (one half on either side of the curve) and the whole piece 6 to the opposite side. Make sure you sew them with right sides together, and when you open it flat, it will look like the picture to the right of the arrow. 3. Now take your two piece 5's and sew them to the long sides of piece 4, right sides together. When you open it flat, it will look as it does to the right of the arrow. 4. NOW. Line up the corners to sew them. Line up the yellow edge of piece 5 to the yellow edge of piece 6 and sew, the red edge of 5 to the red edge of 6 and sew, the purple edge of 5 to the purple edge of 6 and the orange edge of 5 to the orange edge of 6. Make sure that you line the edges RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER. Trim the corners and flip it the right way. You will have a flat box shape with no bottom. 5. Hot glue velcro to the back - put the rough side on the right side of the fabric on one half and the fuzzy side on the wrong side of the fabric on the other half. This way, you can easily open and close them around the tennis shoe. And that's that!

After you sew them you'll want to spray paint them the same silver as the rest of the costume. And remember my word of warning about spray paint! NOT ENAMEL! I've got one more robot-related post and then we're done!

This is the crafty tale of a creative gal... 

her true love, their four kids and a cat; dealing with chaos one chocolate bar at a time!

Hi!  I'm Kimberly!
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