Back to School Shoot - 2014
It's back to school time again! This is the first back to school shoot with three kids! Although I know that Axel technically isn't...
Axel's 6 Month Shoot
Here is your fair warning. This is a photography post. It's actually Pip's 6 month photos. SO that means there are a lot of photos in...
A Newborn Shoot - My Very First
I finally set out to take some "real" pictures of the new guy. I'd been collecting ideas about newborn shoots on pinterest for months. ...
Start of School Year Photo Shoot - A new tradition.
I was stressed about making sure I got decent photos and I was making the kids miserable so I decided we were done. Â The kids really wanted
Photo Scavenger Hunt Sunday - The one where Bug drives me nuts.
This kid? He drives me nuts. He's three. He shaved his head. He's... a handful.